August 31, 2007

My First Commission

During July, I was asked by a client to create a large painting for a specific room. The room had a wood floor and an inviting fireplace. The painting was to go over the fireplace. In considering a piece to fill the space, I was reminded if a recent trip I had taken to Paris in April.

The sun was shining, and we went into a famous brasserie and was struck by the colors that set these spaces apart from other eating places. I developed several impressions of these colors in small studies. The wooded bar, the bright red colors and the combinations worked well in the space for which they were designed. One of the impressions was chosen by my client. It was done as a 24" x 36" acrylic on canvas. Here it is:

French Brasserie


Unknown said...

This is Great!

Unknown said...

This looks Great! Very nice work Annette